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Types of parentage analysis
Parentage analysis comes in several forms depending on the question being asked and the data available.
Paternity analysis
Paternity analysis is the most familiar form of parentage analysis. The objective is to assign a male parent to each offspring. Analysis is more powerful if the mother's genotype is available.
Cervus can analyse paternity in mixed datasets where maternal genotypes are known for some offspring but not for others. If the mother's genotype is available, Cervus will try to assign the most likely father with and without the mother's genotype. Maternity analysis
Maternity analysis is identical to paternity analysis except that the objective is to assign female parents to offspring. Analysis is more powerful if the father's genotype is available.
Cervus can analyse maternity in mixed datasets where paternal genotypes are known for some offspring but not for others. If the father's genotype is available, Cervus will try to assign the most likely mother with and without the father's genotype. Parent pair analysis
Parent pair analysis is the optimal method of parentage testing when neither parent is known and the objective is to assign both parents. Analysis is more powerful if the sex of each candidate parent is known.