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Output files
Cervus writes a summary of each analysis to a text file with the suffix .txt. The
contents of this file are shown in the results window. The data from each analysis are written to one or more additional text files. The suffixes of these files are different for each analysis.
1. . The results of allele frequency analysis, including
lists of alleles and their frequencies and various summary statistics.
2. . A text file with the suffix .alf specifying the name and
frequency of each allele at each locus. An allele frequency file is required for all other
Cervus analyses.
3. . A summary of results from simulation of parentage analysis.
4. . A text file with the suffix .sim specifying the critical values of LOD
or Delta for the confidence levels specified by the user and the proportion of parentage
tests expected to be resolved at each confidence level. The file also includes all simulation parameters and settings. Cervus uses a standard text-based ini file format for simulation data files (there should be no need to edit simulation data files manually). A simulation
data file is required for parentage analysis.
5. . An optional text file with the suffix .txt containing the raw
LOD or Delta scores for most likely candidate parents. A series of distribution files
(stored in several subdirectories) are created during each analysis.
6. . An optional comma-delimited text file with the suffix .csv
summarising the distribution files in the form of a histogram. This file is suitable for
reading into a spreadsheet package such as Microsoft Excel so that it can be displayed in chart form.
7. . A summary of the results of parentage analysis,
including the number of parentage assignments made. The file includes a lot of
information to help identify any problems in the data files.