42QUESTThe use of the project reports:42Aare not necessary on small projects42Bprovides a means whereby various levels of authority can judge project performance42Cprovides insight into project areas and the effectiveness of the control systems42DAll of the above42EB and C42
43QUESTA project is defined as:
Aa coordinated undertaking of interrelated activities directed toward a specific goal that has a finite
period of performance.43
Ba large, complex undertaking with many objectives, multiple sources of funding, and a not
discernible end point.43
Can undertaking of interrelated activities directed toward a specific goal that can be accomplished
in less than one year.43
Da group of activities headed by a project manager who has cradle-to-grave cycle responsibility for
the end product.43
43EAll of the above.43
44QUESTCreation of project objectives:
Aallows for data collection and analysis and progress reporting against which standards of
performance can be measured.44
44Bis accomplished by selection of measurable variables against which performance can be judged.44Cis required before funding of the project by the project sponsor.44Dall of the above.44EA and B only44
45QUESTA program is characterized as:45Aa grouping or related tasks lasting one year or less.45Ba unique undertaking having a definite time period.
Ca grouping of similar projects having no definite end that supports the product(s) from cradle to
45Da project with a cost over $1 million.45ENone of the above.45
46QUESTThe project charter is developed by:46Asenior management46Bthe customer46Cthe project manager46Dboth A and C46ENone of the above.46
47QUESTA technical requirement has which of the following characteristics:47Aeasy to understand47Ba communication tool between the user and the design team47Cwritten in non-technical language47Ddeveloped in cooperation with the user47Etypically describe physical dimensions and performance requirements47
48QUESTA Gantt chart is useful in determining:48Athe level of effort for a task48Bwhen a task starts and stops48Chow tasks are related to each other48Dwho is assigned to do a task48EAll of the above.48
49QUESTA work breakdown structure is most useful for:49Aidentifying individual tasks for a project49Bscheduling the start of tasks49Cdeveloping a cost estimate