女士们、先生们,上午好。[Li]: Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. 我们高兴地邀请到温家宝总理与中外记者见面,并回答提问。 We are pleased to have invited Premier Wen Jiabao met with Chinese and foreign reporters, and answer questions. 现在请总理讲话。 Now call on the Prime Minister's speech. [温家宝]:记者朋友们,大家好。 [Wen Jiabao]: journalist friends, Hello, everyone. 过去的两年我们
approach. 参加招标的既有国内企业,也有国外企业,也有台商和港商。 Both domestic enterprises to participate in the tender, but also foreign companies, but also Taiwan and Hong Kong businessmen.
如果说有什么缺点的话,那就是我同外商的接触还不够紧密。 If there is any weakness, it is that I have contacts with foreign investors also not tight enough. 今后在我这三年的工作当中,力求能多增加一些同外商接触的机会,使你们更好地了解中国的政策,同时我也愿意听取你们对中国吸引外资的意见。 The next three years in my work that strive to be able to add some more opportunities for contact with a foreign business that allows you to better understand China's policy, while I am willing to hear your views on China in attracting foreign investment. 谢谢你。 Thank you.
[中央电视台记者]:请问总理关于宏观经济政策走向的问题。 [China Central Television reporter]: I ask the Prime Minister on macroeconomic policy is heading. 根据官方的数字,去年新增的贷款投放量是9.6万亿,全社会的固定资产投资增量是30%,部分大城市的房价是居高不下。 According to official figures, last year put the new loan volume is 9.6 trillion, the whole society investment in fixed assets is 30% increment, some major cities prices are high. 因此有人担心出现经济泡沫。 Therefore, some people worry that there was an economic bubble. 请问总理,您有这个担心吗? Will the Prime Minister, you have this worried? 在考虑通胀预期的前提下,我们应对国际金融危机采取的一系列经济刺激政策有退出或者部分退出的可能性吗? In considering the premise of inflation expectations, we have to deal with international financial crisis has taken a series of economic stimulus policies of the possibility of withdrawal or partial withdrawal do?
[温家宝]:你提到一个让我非常感到担心的问题。 [Wen Jiabao]: You mentioned that I was very worried about a problem. 我曾经讲过,如果发生通货膨胀,再加上收入分配不公,以及贪污腐败,足以影响社会的稳定,甚至政权的巩固。 I have said before, if there is inflation, coupled with income distribution, inequality, and corruption, enough to affect the social stability, and even the consolidation of political power.