女士们、先生们,上午好。[Li]: Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. 我们高兴地邀请到温家宝总理与中外记者见面,并回答提问。 We are pleased to have invited Premier Wen Jiabao met with Chinese and foreign reporters, and answer questions. 现在请总理讲话。 Now call on the Prime Minister's speech. [温家宝]:记者朋友们,大家好。 [Wen Jiabao]: journalist friends, Hello, everyone. 过去的两年我们
good grasp of policy direction, intensity and effects.
我们必须密切关注今年国内外经济形势的走向,因时而动,就是说时进则进,时退则退,动静不失其时。 We must pay close attention to the trend of the economic situation at home and abroad this year, because sometimes moving, that is, when you are entering into, when back then retreated, dynamic and static not lose the time. 这需要十分谨慎和灵活。 This requires very careful and flexible. 我相信明年的记者招待会我还是满面笑容的来对待你。 I believe that next year's press conference, I was smiling coming to treat you. 谢谢你。 Thank you.
[Reuters]: A year ago you said here, a little bit worried about the safety of China's assets in the United States, may I ask you today is the same concern? 更担心? More worried about? 比较放心? Feel reassured? 还是有信心? Still have confidence in it? 另外,您刚刚讲过中国内部的一些担心,如果允许我问新的事情的话,那就是国际上您最担心的事情是什么? In addition, you have just talked about some of China's internal fear that if the new things that allow me to ask if it is an international on your worst fears What is this?
[温家宝]:大家都知道,我们有巨额的外汇储备,我们一定要把这笔巨大的金融资产用好和保护好。 [Wen Jiabao]: As we all know, we have huge foreign exchange reserves, we must put a huge amount of financial assets with good and protect. 因此,我们对外汇储备的要求首先是安全,其次是流动,第三是保值增值。 Therefore, we demand of foreign exchange reserves are safe first, followed by mobility, third, and increasing the value.
我们在国际上之所以购买一些国家的债券,都是为了通过多元化的经营达到我所说的目的。 The reason why we in the international community to buy the bonds in some countries are diversified in order to pass the business to achieve that purpose.
美国作为国际货币的主要发行国,币值的不稳定引起我们很大的忧虑。 United States, as major countries issuing international currencies, currency instability caused us great concern. 我去年说过我担心,今年我还要说我担心。 Last year I said that I worry that this year I would also like to say that I am worried about.
因为国家的金融资产不容得有一点的闪失。 Because the country's financial