女士们、先生们,上午好。[Li]: Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. 我们高兴地邀请到温家宝总理与中外记者见面,并回答提问。 We are pleased to have invited Premier Wen Jiabao met with Chinese and foreign reporters, and answer questions. 现在请总理讲话。 Now call on the Prime Minister's speech. [温家宝]:记者朋友们,大家好。 [Wen Jiabao]: journalist friends, Hello, everyone. 过去的两年我们
我这里特别强调指出,2008年7月到2009年2月,也就是世界经济极为困难的时期,人民币并没有贬值,而实际有效汇率升值14.5%。 Here I stress in particular that, in July 2008 to February 2009, which is an extremely difficult period in the world economy, the RMB has not depreciated, while the real effective exchange rate appreciation of 14.5%.
在这个期间,2009年,我们的外贸出口下降了16%,但是进口只降低了11%,顺差减少了1020亿美元。 During this period, in 2009, our exports fell by 16%, but imports only reduced by 11%, a decrease of 102 billion U.S. dollars surplus. 人民币汇率在国际金融危机蔓延中基本稳定,对世界经济复苏起了促进作用。 In the international financial crisis, the RMB exchange rate basically stable spreading on the world economic recovery has played a catalytic role。 第三,一国的汇率是由一国的经济决定的,汇率的变动也是由经济的综合情况来决定的。 Third, a country's exchange rate is by a country's economic decisions, and exchange rate movements are also integrated by economic circumstances to
decide. 我们主张自由贸易,因为自由贸易不仅使经济像活水一样流动,而且给人们带来和谐与和平。 We advocate free trade because free trade is not only the economy the same as the flow of running water, but also gave rise to harmony and peace.
我们反对各国之间相互指责,甚至用强制的办法来迫使一国的汇率升值,因为这样做反而不利于人民币汇率的改革。 We are opposed to mutual accusations between nations, and even coercive means to compel a country's exchange-rate appreciation, because it is not conducive to the contrary, the RMB exchange rate reform.
在贸易问题上,我们主张协商,通过平等协商总会找到互赢或者多赢的渠道。 On trade issues, we advocate consultation, through equal consultations always find each other to win or win-win channel.
第四,人民币将继续坚持以市场供求为基础、有管理的浮动汇率制度,我们将进一步推进人民币汇率形成机制的改革,保持人民币汇率在合理均衡水平上的基本稳定。 Fourth, the yuan will continue to adhere to the market supply and